5 S's package: Subsequent, Sequential, Simultaneous, Serendipitous, and Scheduled [GLASER98, pp. 1, 12-19, 134].
6 C's: Conditions, Contexts, Consequensces, Covariances, Contingencies, Causes [GLASER78, p. 74], [GLASER98, p. 137].
ABD – All But Dissertations [GLASER98, pp. 14, 47, 50-51], [GLASER01], –> Arguing with the Research Committee.
Abuse of Grounded Theory [GLASER98, p. 89].
Academic Research [GLASER98, pp. 51]
Advancement [GLASER98, p. 42].
Adopt and Adapt [GLASER01, ch. 14].
Analysis [GLASER01, ch. 3].
Analytic Rules [GLASER98, p. 191].
Analogy [GLASER98, pp. 181, 200-201].
Appropriate Method [GLASER98, p. 128].
Areas of Grounded Theory [GLASER78, p. 3], [GLASER92, pp. 13, 23], [GLASER98, pp. 4, 19, 40, 44, 60, 130].
Arguing with the Research Committee [GLASER96, pp. vii, x-xi], [GLASER98, pp. 35, 57, 63, 71-72, 90-91, 131, 159, 161, 195, 203-204], [GLASER01], [STRAUS87, pp. 265-288], –> Rhetorical Wrestle.
Association of Grounded Theory [GLASER98, pp. 233 - 234].
Articles [GLASER98, p. 93].
Authority [GLASER98, p. 87].
Autonomy [GLASER98, pp. 98, 130, 132].
Awareness of Dying [GLASER92, p. 10], [GLASER96, p. ix], [GLASER98, pp. 21, 33, 49, 118, 169, 190, 207].
Awe [GLASER98, pp. 87-88].
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[BIGUS96] Bigus, Odis E. 1996. Becoming “Alcoholic:” A Study of Social Transformation. In Gerund Grounded Theory: The Basic Social Process Dissertation (Glaser, Barney G editor), Sociology Press, pp. 14-28.
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[CHARMAZ94A] Charmaz, Kathy. 1994. The Grounded Theory Method: An Explication and Interpretation. In More Grounded Theory Methodology: A Reader (Glaser, Barney G editor), Sociology Press, pp. 95-115.
[DEY99] Dey, Ian. 1999. Grounding Grounded Theory – Guidelines for Qualitative Inquiry. Academic Press, pp. 282. [ISBN 0-1221-4640-9].
[GLASER78] Glaser, Barney G. 1978. Theoretical Sensitivity. Sociology Press, pp. 164.
[GLASER92] Glaser, Barney G. 1992. Emergence vs. Forcing: Basics of Grounded Theory Analysis. Sociology Press, pp. 129.
[GLASER96] Glaser, Barney G. 1996. Gerund Grounded Theory: The Basic Social Process Dissertation. Sociology Press, pp. 127.
[GLASER98] Glaser, Barney G. 1998. Doing Grounded Theory: Issues and Discussions. Sociology Press, pp. 254.
[GLASER01] Glaser, Barney G. 2001. The Grounded Theory Perspective: Conceptualization Contrasted with Description. Sociology Press, pp. 232.
[GLASERSTRAUSS67] Glaser, Barney G., and Strauss, Anselm L. 1967. The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research. Aldine, pp. 271. [ISBN 0-2977-6318-0].
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[STERN94] Stern, Phyllis Noerager. 1994. Eroding Grounded Theory. In Critical Issues in Qualitative Research Methods (Morse, Janice M. editor), Sage Pub., - ed., pp. 210-223. [ISBN 0-8039-5043-8].
[SIMMONS94A] Simmons, Odis E. 1994. Grounded Therapy. In More Grounded Theory Methodology: A Reader (Glaser, Barney G editor), Sociology Press, pp. 4-37. [1-8841-5607-X].
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[STRAUSS94A] Strauss, Anselm L. 1994. Discovering New Theory From Previous Theory: An Exercise in Theoretical Sampling. In More Grounded Theory Methodology: A Reader (Glaser, Barney G editor), Sociology Press, pp. 369-376.